
Best Free Tube Saturation Vst


Tube Saturation. Tube saturation is done using vacuum tubes, the ones that we can find in instrument amplifiers or any other distortion or saturation devices. The vacuum tubes have been praised for their warm tone and dynamic response. The present-day vintage-oriented tube saturation plugins are designed to imitate that particular sound. Tube Saturator is the world’s most accurate real time tube amp plug-in. Unlike other tube simulators, which use radically simplified models, Tube Saturator uses state of the art circuit simulation technology to capture every nuance of an analog circuit.

Tube Saturator 2 is vastly more efficient, nearly identical in simulation accuracy, and adds other features. However, some users prefer the sound of the original and request it, hence we have released it as a free plug. Here’s the original Tube Saturator description: Tube Saturator is the world’s most accurate real time tube amp plug-in. Best used for: All-around organic tube saturation for instruments, groups, mixing and mastering. Thermionic Culture Vulture from Universal Audio ($299) Whenever I’m comparing plugins, some of UAD’s tools almost always end up toward the top of my list. SoundToys Decapitator. There are plenty of affordable ways of bringing some real analogue. FuzzPlus 3 by Audio Damage (Windows, Mac) FuzzPlus 3 is an updated version of the original.

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So far in this series, I’ve covered some of my favorite and most used compressor, limiter and equalizer plugins — three types of processing vital to any mastering engineer.

It’s important not to forget about other processors that can add harmonic content to your material. You might hear them referred to as exciters, enhancers, saturators, maximizers etc. — regardless of the name, these plugins can be great for adding tone, vibe, impact, and character to your masters.

1. UAD Ampex ATR-102 and Studer A800

These are emulations of the classic tape machines, and while they are two separate and very different plugins, I find them both to be essential — and wanted to make room for the many other great processors — so they occupy the top spot.

They’re great for both mixing and mastering, and can be used on individual tracks or entire mixes. For a majority of the time we’ve been listening to recorded music, tape has been involved, and these two plugins help achieve that famous sound.

The ATR-102 features 4 different tape types, 4 tape speeds, and dozens of other features that make this an incredibly deep tool for adding color and tone to your material. I find that it helps add a sense of clarity and separation between instruments in a way that no other plugin does. It’s definitely a hi-fi sound, but the brightness can be dialed back by changing the tape speed or using the shelf EQ.

The Studer A800 is a bit more warm and vibrant. I find myself using this one on individual tracks or sub-auxes more than the ATR-102, but when material needs to sound more rolled off, saturated, and vintage, the Studer is unmatched.

Unique features: The sheer depth of these two plugins makes for a virtually endless amount of sonic capabilities. The Studer is simpler, and I find myself tweaking the bias setting to achieve a very open, airy sound. The ATR-102 has really unique tape effects like wow, flutter and crosstalk. While you may understandably hesitate to use these on a master, in the rare case when you absolutely need your material to have a subtly warped, analog feel, look no further.

2. SPL Vitalizer MK2-T

The Vitalizer MK2-T is a tried and true hardware unit that is common in mastering, and the plugin does a similarly great job of adding air and presence to your material. There are also useful compression and drive controls. If your source lacks excitement and definition, the Vitalizer is a quick fix thanks to it’s intuitive interface.


Unique feature: The stereo expander on the Vitalizer is as good as on any plugin I’ve found. If I want to widen the stereo field in mastering, this is the tool I reach for.

3. Sonnox Oxford Inflator

When you need to add impact and modern size to your material, look no further than the Inflator. It adds a tasteful curve, even when it’s pushed pretty hard. Although it can make virtually any source sound and feel more exciting, it really excels with electronic music.

Unique feature: Aside from Input and Output controls, it has “effect” and “curve” faders. That’s it. What I find to be most unique about the Inflator is its ability to enhance program material, even with such limited controls. There are very few plugins that are essentially “sound better” faders/knobs, and this is definitely one of them.

4. iZotope Ozone 7 Exciter and Vintage Tape

The Exciter alone has warm, retro, tape, tube, triode, and dual triode modes. More impressively, it’s a multiband exciter, in case you want to add any of these characteristics to specific frequency ranges. The vintage tape plugin is yet another iZotope plugin with flexible digital-style controls, but a warm analog sound.

Unique feature: Not only does the exciter work in mid-side mode, the exciting can also be added in parallel, per frequency range. The gain match feature on both plugins can help you determine if the changes you’re making are actually enhancing the material, or just increasing volume.

5. PSP Vintage Warmer 2

The Vintage Warmer is also a compressor/limiter in addition to being a great tool for adding tasteful saturation to material.

While there are many controls, everything is laid out in such a way that’s easy to understand. Both the sound and metering are excellent. This one can go from adding tasteful saturation to expressive gnarly tones, which can also make it a valuable mix tool.

Unique feature: Being able to choose the frequency at which you want to add drive (at both high and low frequencies) can really help when only a certain frequency range needs saturation and excitement.

6. UAD Brainworx bx_masterdesk

The bx_masterdesk is a simple, all-in-one solution for those in need of an in-the-box mastering processor. The GUI resembles an analog mastering console, and allows one to work quickly and efficiently. Sonically, the plugin is equally impressive; between the four compressor options (which can be blended in parallel), the incredibly smooth 4-band EQ section, the helpful resonance filters, and the unique “foundation” control, one can quickly add energy and sculpt the tone of their program material. The bx_masterdesk doesn’t stop there, though, and is loaded with a variety of additional features including a high-quality de-esser, the acclaimed brainworx M/S features including Mono-Maker and Stereo Enhance, and a THD control for adding tasteful saturation to your masters. The harder you drive the volume control, the harder the processing stages are hit, so the bx_masterdesk truly does behave like an analog console.

The metering, functionality and sound quality are all of the excellent quality one would expect from Brainworx and UAD. For anyone looking for an uncomplicated, versatile, juicy-sounding in-the-box mastering processor, I strongly recommend giving the bx_masterdesk a test drive.

Mastering Tip:

While bx_masterdesk was designed for the purpose of mastering entire mixes, don’t shy away from using them on groups like drum or vocal buss. I had great success recently using it on a backup vocal subgroup. What’s great about it is that there are so many high-quality processors located in a singular easy-to-use plugin. I used the equalizer section to carve out the low end, the de-esser to handle sibilance, the THD to add some pleasing grit and color, and the stereo enhance function to add some subtle width. It’s not abnormal for me to process backup vocals this way using a variety of tools, and I love the convenience of being able to handle everything within one plugin.

Introducing the UAD bx_masterdesk plug-in by Brainworx

So far in this series, I’ve covered some of my favorite and most used compressor, limiter and equalizer plugins — three types of processing vital to any mastering engineer. It’s important not to forget about other processors that can add harmonic content to your material. You might hear them referre

7. iZotope Ozone 9 Exciter

iZotope’s latest update to their all-in-one mastering plugin suite includes several new modules that make in-the-box mastering even more intuitive and effective including Master Re-balance and Low-End Focus. Updated in this top-notch multiband exciter module include tweaks to the analog-modeled Retro, Tape, Warm and Tube modes. I really enjoy the flexibility of multiband processing and the fact that you can choose different saturation modes for each band, so if you want to add some analog tape vibe in the low end, and tube warmth in the upper mids, you are quickly able to do so, and with great precision and control over the frequency crossover points.

You can use the exciter in mid/side mode, which I often do when mastering. Additionally, you can ‘solo’ the individual bands, so you can hear exactly what the processor is imparting onto the signal, and I find this feature quite helpful when dialing in exactly how much I processing I should be doing. Ozone 9 is, of course, marketed as a tool for mastering, but I’ll regularly fire it up when at the mix stage, and even use it on individual elements such as snare drum, bass guitar, and vocals, in part because of the tonal shaping qualities of the exciter.

Mastering Tip:

Learn how the ‘amount’ and ‘mix’ controls interact and affect the signal: ‘Amount’ functions similar to a gain control — the higher the amount, the more drastic saturation will be achieved. ‘Mix’ functions as a wet/dry blend. I tend to use the exciter very subtly when mastering, and in the event I’m using higher ‘amount’ values, I’ll definitely dial back the overall effect using the ‘mix’ slider. Additionally, make sure to pay attention to the order in which you use the models in Ozone 9. I ensure that the maximizer (which functions as a limiter) is the last module in the chain, as I don’t want any gain to be added with the exciter (or any other module) after the limiter ceiling has been set.

What’s New in Ozone 9 iZotope Ozone Mastering Software

So far in this series, I’ve covered some of my favorite and most used compressor, limiter and equalizer plugins — three types of processing vital to any mastering engineer. It’s important not to forget about other processors that can add harmonic content to your material. You might hear them referre

8. UAD Vertigo VSM-3

The VSM-3, developed by Brainworx and Universal Audio is an emulation of an esoteric (and pricey) rack-mountable saturation unit from German company, Vertigo Sound. It’s a two-stage harmonic generator with mid-side capabilities. You’ve got extensive control over 2nd and 3rd order harmonics sections, each of which have their own unique sonic qualities, and each can go from tastefully subtle, to blistering and brash. The THD Mixer section allows one the ability to blend between the two stages, and you can choose between using them in series or parallel. Within each of the sections, you can target specific frequency ranges, so if you want to add a bit of warm saturation to the bass, and some crunch higher up in the frequency spectrum, let’s say on electric guitars, it’s fairly easy to dial in. In that case, I’d use the 2nd Harmonic FET crusher to add drive to the lows (bass), and the 3rd Harmonic Zener Blender and target the high mids. 2nd order harmonics are more tame and subtle in nature, whereas 3rd order have more ‘bite’, so this would be a useful application of the VSM-3.

There are so many unique tones available within this plugin–it’s a sort of saturator, equalizer, compressor all-in-one. It works great on individual tracks, sub-busses, or at the mastering stage, allowing you to bring attitude and vibe to dull, and lifeless mixes. If you have limited experience using saturation at the mastering stage, I do recommend avoid getting too heavy-handed with the VSM-3, as I mentioned, it can go from an exquisite polish to absolutely destroying transients unless you’re careful.

Mastering Tip:

Use it for Mid/Side Saturation: When mastering, I use saturation to enhance vibrancy and improve relationships between components of the mix. On a recent rock master, the sides featured crunchy, hard-panned electric guitars, and the vocal (which sat up the middle) was a bit lacking in character. I enlisted the VSM-3, adding a bit of brightness and via the 3rd Harmonic Generator, only focusing on the mid, disregarding the sides. Mid/Side processing can be extremely useful when mastering, and this unique saturator is no exception.

Honorable Mention

Although somewhat limited due to only being compatible with Pro Tools, the original Phoenix and its successor helped engineers add analog tape saturation and vibe to material long before most competitors. Simply put, it’s to this day, a great sounding plugin.

Mastering in the Box Course

If you’re interested in expanding your knowledge and learning effective techniques for getting great sounding masters 100% in the box, check out my debut course: Mastering in the Box

Mastering in the Box with Ian Vargo

So far in this series, I’ve covered some of my favorite and most used compressor, limiter and equalizer plugins — three types of processing vital to any mastering engineer. It’s important not to forget about other processors that can add harmonic content to your material. You might hear them referre

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In digital audio workstations (DAW) that we use for creating, mixing, and mustering our audio tracks, whenever the audio signal goes beyond 0dB, the DAW engine considers it as hard clipping, creates an unwanted bad type of distortion.

In good old analog days, the mix engineers needed to push the tape beyond 0 dB to achieve soft clipping as the audio signal clips but opposite to digital clipping this type of analog clipping is somehow appealing to the people and it sounds very musical.

A most important reason to use saturation plugins when mixing inside DAW is to get that analog magical sound and bring back the life to the mixes.

These are some free saturation VST plugins that are practical and can be used as your regular saturation VST. There is no particular order, each free saturation VST plugin has its own characteristics and sounds good.

  • PreBOX by Analog Obsession (VST/AU for 32 bit & 64 bit Windows & Mac)
  • Saturation Knob by Softube (VST/AU for 32 bit & 64 bit Windows & Mac)
  • X-Tube by Xenium Audio (VST for 32 bit & 64 bit Windows)
  • IVGI by Klanghelm (VST/AU for 32 bit & 64 bit Windows & Mac)
  • Tube Saturator Vintage by Wave Arts (VST/AU for 32 bit & 64 bit Windows & Mac)
  • FreeAMP by Klevgrand (VST/AU for 32 bit & 64 bit Windows & Mac)
  • PhreePhuzz by LVC Audio (VST/AU for 32 bit & 64 bit Windows & Mac)
  • Tube Amp 2 by Voxengo (VST/AU for 32 bit & 64 bit Windows & Mac)
  • MSaturator by MeldaProduction (VST/AU for 32 bit & 64 bit Windows & Mac)
  • SGA1566 by Shattered Glass Audio (VST/AU for 32 bit & 64 bit Windows & Mac)
  • Saturate by BlueLab (VST/AU for 32 bit & 64 bit Windows & Mac)


PreBOX is a preamp modeler VST plugin made by Analog Obsession, it contains/emulates eleven PreAmp models(mic/line). Each preamp model has its character, dynamics, and transient with two knobs to control input, and the output also Lowpass and Highpass Filters from V76 circuit.

Some preamp models have a subtle saturation effect and some have pumping distortion, you can increase the amount of saturation by increasing the input gain knob. PreAmp models this VST plugin emulates are

  1. Humptone
  2. SS Nine
  3. Tape Color
  4. Rosenrot
  5. New 81
  6. F2Bam
  7. Quad Core
  8. A10M
  9. 15A66
  10. Fairy
  11. Vacuum76

Download: PreBOX by Analog Obsession(Available for Windows & Mac, 32-bit, 64 bit, VST, AU)

Saturation Knob

Tape Saturation Vst

Saturation Knob is a free saturation VST plugin by Softube, gives you an analog modeled distortion output, it is a perfect and simplest way to add some grit to any incoming audio signal. The saturation knob has one knob to control the amount of saturation you want to add with additional options to affect low, high, or both.

The only thing that is missing is the makeup or volume control. Use this tip! If you are making trap music then use the saturation knob to add an extra punch and harmonics to kick drum and snares. Or you can use it as a send effect channel to use as a parallel effect. Add harmonics to 808s and sub-basses, synth sounds, leads, and vocal.

Download: Saturation Knob by Softube (Available for Windows & Mac, 32-bit, 64 bit, VST, AU)


X-tube is a free tube saturation VST plugin developed by Xenium Audio, it is a simulation of 12AX7, a vacuum tube. with the processing of 64-bit floating-point, it supports Stereo, Mono, Quadro, and 5.1 tracks. The sound can be further shaped using an IIR-type equalizer with three bands, low mid, and high.

This tube saturation VST plugin supports zero-latency processing and up to x16 oversampling with additional features like drive and bias to get more authentic tube saturation emulation.

Download: X-Tube by Xenium Audio(VST for 32 bit & 64 bit Windows)


IVGI by Klanghelm is capable of providing subtle saturation to distorted effect to spice up incoming audio. IVGI additionally allows you to alter the frequency response of the saturation. the RESPONSE management is that the results of clever eq-ing, a bunch of pre- and de-emphasis filters, and a few specific compression characteristics. all moving the particular character of the saturation.

Tube Saturation Vst


If you switch the knob to the left, low frequencies are a lot of suffering from saturation. Also, you may notice some high-end roll-off and a few low-end bump and compression. if used meagerly, the RESP0NSE management will increase transparency.

Turned to the right, high frequencies area unit additional full of saturation. In additional extreme settings, you may notice some multiplied HF compression and physical phenomenon effects.

Download: IVGI by Klanghelm(Available for Windows & Mac, 32-bit, 64 bit, VST, AU)

Tube Saturator Vintage

Tube Saturator Vintage by Wave Arts is a saturation free VST plugin that reproduces circuit simulation technology to authentic reproduce the sound of a dual triode preamp. Tube saturator vintage emulates cathode 12AX7 preamp, has Baxandall 3-band EQ, drive knob, and fat function to add extra punch to the audio, and works in mono and stereo mode with zero latency.

Use Tube Saturator to add a bit of analog warmth to recordings, or increase the drive for some distortion. You can use it as a saturating peak limiter too.

Download: Tube Saturator Vintage by Wave Arts(Available for Windows & Mac, 32-bit, 64 bit, VST, AU)


FreeAMP by Klevgrand is small, simple yet has the same power as its big brother REAMP, FreeAMP uses all saturation algorithms are the same as the REAMP. But the FreeAMP is simple to use s it only has three very straightforward knobs.

FreeAMP gives tape and tube saturation at the same time makes it a kind of interesting saturation VST plugin. Use a drive knob to get the desired amount of saturation and use a mix knob to use it as a parallel effect.

Download: FreeAMP by Klevgrand(Available for Windows & Mac, 32-bit, 64 bit, VST, AU)


Phreephuzz by LVC Audio is an easy to use free saturation VST plugin with a simple user interface. PhreePhuzz uses the same technology as its bigger brother PreAMPed. PhreePhuzz has 6 varieties of saturation settings give a distinct flavor saturation effect to the sound.

PhreePhuzz offers linear phase filtering to get the shiny high-end that is done by 4x oversampling. It has AB functionality that makes it easier to compare a couple of settings at the same time. Use this plugin to add quick saturation on any audio or midi track.

Download: PhreePhuzz by LVC Audio(Available for Windows & Mac, 32-bit, 64 bit, VST, AU)

Tube Amp 2

Best Free Saturation Plugins

Tube Amp is a free saturation VST plugin by Voxengo that emulates asymmetric tube triode overdrive that is found in single-tube microphone pre-amp boxes. Tube amp VST gives from subtle warmth to fuzzy distortion effect to the sounds. This free VST plugin has two processing modes which offer two distinct saturation algorithm.

Other features like 64-bit floating-point processing, up to 175% GUI scaling, up to x8 oversampling, and AB comparison which allows comparing multiple settings simultaneously.

Download: Tube Amp 2 by Voxengo(Available for Windows & Mac, 32-bit, 64 bit, VST, AU)


Free Tape Saturation Vst Plugins

Free saturation VST plugin MSaturator by Voxengo is capable of processing audio in warm tube-like saturation to a complete distortion module for guitars. MSaturator’s advanced GUI engine is highly customizable and is freely resizable. It gives a choice to choose between knobs, sliders, or buttons you want to use the most.

MSaturator encodes audio not only in mono, stereo but also offers Mid-Side encoding that lets users freely manipulate the sound as they want. It also features oversampling up to x16, MSaturator includes automatic gain compensation, which quickly adapts to current settings and ensures the output sounds as loud as the input.

Download: MSaturator by MeldaProduction(Available for Windows & Mac, 32-bit, 64 bit, VST, AU)


SGA1566 by Shattered Glass Audio is based on all tube single channel vintage tube amplifier created to give classic warmth to any sound which goes through it. It claims to recreate every nuance of the preamp, has two-band Baxandall EQ that can be used either before or after the preamp.

Free Vst Saturation Plugins

It supports up to x4 oversampling which increases the quality of saturation but also increases the CPU usage. Is supports mono and stereo processing. Overall it can be used as a saturation compressor or overdrive distortion for guitars and synths.

Download: SGA1566 by Shattered Glass Audio(Available for Windows & Mac, 32-bit, 64 bit, VST, AU)


Saturate is a simple one-knob free saturation VST plugin by BlueLab, this saturation plugin doesn’t try to emulate any piece of a hardware unit, it has its way to saturate the audio, it targets the waveform to give a saturation effect. It uses x4 oversampling to increase the overall quality of the saturation it produces.

Download: Saturate by BlueLab(Available for Windows & Mac, 32-bit, 64 bit, VST, AU)

Best Free Saturation Vst

X-tube by Xenium Audio is the only free saturation VST plugin that is available for only Windows users, but Mac users can other best free saturation VST plugins from the VST plugins list given above.